The Life Of Amirulsyah

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Welcome to the family, Gabrielle..

Well, since one is never enough.. And since Sid is left alone in the house while we're working.. We've decided to adopt another cat. So, last sunday (28th May, 2006), we went to SPCA to just take a look at the cats. Well, we brought Sid along to meet him with his caretaker. So, as we were looking around.. Then there was this cat that caught my attention. A mix persian cat at the corner cage. So cute and so pretty, she was called Manja. After some really tough decison-making moments, we've adopted Manja from SPCA. On the way back, we decided to give her a new name. So, that is when Gabrielle pops up! Or, in short form, Gabby. Welcome to the family, Gabby!

Do cats take time to mingle around and get to know each other? Hmmm.. Sid and Gabby do have some hissing (or what u call it these days, but i think it's more into hissing) between them but didn't fight. That's a relief. At least they will need more time to get to know each other. Anyway, I love both Sid and Gabby! Hehehehe..

Here's a photo of Sid and Gabby

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