The Life Of Amirulsyah

Monday, July 02, 2007

Welcoming Constantine

Today marks the 10th day we had a new family member in the house. Named Constantine, he was a little kitten adopted from Kak Ruby (a staff in the office). I was so happy to finally get Constantine. That makes him the number 7 in the family. At his young age and very small size, since he's just a few weeks old, we took good care of him. Keeping him in a cage so that the others won't bully him (actually, some of them have bullied him nowadays) and feed him with milk and kitten foods. But, one thing that really suprise me is that at his age, he has already know to use the litter to poo poo and wee wee.. So clever la this guy. And, he will climb on the cage when he sees someone at the kitchen. As to let him out to play around the house.

At first, most of the cats don't like new cat entering the house. Victoria was the obvious one to hiss and making noises. The only one that can accept Constantine is Hercules. Even Gabby spent most of the time on top of the aquarium. Napoleon started to play around with the new guy. Alexander will just meowing all the way until someone pays attention to him. Isabelle, as usual. Keeping herself out of the picture.

Hopefully, things will be better in the future. Oh, and one more thing.. This little fella is a very good biter. He is so playful also when given the chance to come out from the cage. May he enjoyed living with us and the other.. and grow up to be a very beautiful cat.

One more thing, yesterday all of them, except for Constantine were given the long overdue shower! Hahaha.. some were well behaved, but Hercules makes the loudest noise and even uses his claws as to rebel.. Now, everyone smells nice.. Hehehhe..

Look at some photos of Constantine here..

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